Seminar dedicated to ICT and eLearning impact on innovation of teaching, research and learning

The National Erasmus+ Office has held a technical assistance mission for the Higher Education Institutions from Moldova on the application of the new developments in TIC and eLearning for teaching, learning and research. The event took place on 12-13 June 2019, at the State University of Tiraspol, in Chisinau.

The seminar was steered by the expert Michael Gaebel, director of the Higher Education Policy Unit at the European University Association (EUA).

The actuality of the seminar was mentioned by the Head of the Higher Education Policies Directorate of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Mrs. Nadejda Velișco, who has presented the national priorities for implementing TIC in Higher Education, and by the rector of the State University of Tiraspol, Mr. Eduard Coropceanu.

During the first day of the event, eLearning trends, national legislative framework on implementing TIC, and opportunities to enhance the experience of TIC use in teaching and learning were analysed and discussed.

The participants have presented the implementation practice of the Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in their own universities. In the same time, the experience of a thematic Erasmus+ Capacity Building project TEACHE ME - E-Networking for promoting e-teaching in continuing professional education, implemented in the Republic of Moldova at Tiraspol State University, “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti, Technical University of Moldova, Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Comrat State University, State Agrarian University of Moldova, and Continuing Education Institute was delivered to the audience.

The following day, the university teams have identified proposals for institutions and the Ministry to promote the improvement of e-learning implementation in Moldovan HEIs.

This technical assistance mission was organised by the National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova with the support of the SPHERE (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts), EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova and was hosted by the Tiraspol State University. The event is part of the Higher Education Reform Experts Erasmus+ (Key Action 3: Support for policy reform).

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