Cluster meeting ”Promotion and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects in the Republic of Moldova”

In 2021 Erasmus Days have broken a new record with over 5,600 events organized in more than 65 countries all over the world. In the Republic of Moldova, Erasmus Days map has registered 5 events, one of them being the online cluster meeting organized by the National Erasmus+ Office on October 15. ”Promotion and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects in the Republic of Moldova” was the topic of the event, having the aim to facilitate the exchange of experience, to present good practices and successful examples regarding the dissemination of Erasmus + projects and their results by the universities from the country.


85 persons, representatives of 25 higher education institutions, vocational schools and NGOs have participated at the meeting. Representatives of 6 Moldovan universities, namely: “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti, Technical University of Moldova, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, State University of Moldova, Free International University of Moldova and State Agrarian University, have presented their experiences and successes in promoting Erasmus + projects within their own institutions.

The event was opened by the representative of the Embassy of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, the program officer - Giuseppe Paglione, and of the Ministry of Education and Research, the head of the Directorate of Policy in the field of higher education - Nadejda Velișco.

We invite you to watch the video recording of the cluster meeting “Promotion and dissemination of Erasmus + projects in the Republic of Moldova”.