Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet is a Specific Action within Erasmus+ Programme that promotes excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. Through this Action European Commission aims to foster the dialog between the academic world and the policy-makers, especially with the intention of consolidating EU policy governance. European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process.

Jean Monnet

Moldovan universities can apply directly to ask for a grant for Jean Monnet projects. Those projects that will enhance and innovate the study programs that cover EU's activity, will increase universities' capacities to attract best students, will consolidate cooperation with partners from other countries and will increase the HEI's budgets for teaching and research on EU subjects are to be financed. 

Duration of the projects. A Jean Monnet project can last up to 3 years and the duration of the activity has a minimum of 40 teaching hours per academic year. 

How to apply? Each year, European Union, through the Executive Agency for Culture, Education and Audiovisual, launches a Call for Proposals. The application forms are available on the European Commission's Portal for Funding and Tender Opportunities

See here more detailed information about Jean Monnet Action.