„Research-based teaching and learning: From national and institutional policies to practice” – International HERE Seminar

A new HERE seminar has been organised at the University of Montenegro, in Podgorica, between May 28 and 29, 2018. The event was dedicated to the research-based teaching and learning, a topic of growing interest and prevalence in Europe and in HERE countries.

The Republic of Moldova has been represented at the event by the national HERE expert PhD. Florentin Paladi, deputy rector, Moldova State University, and Cristina Gherman, administrator at the National Erasmus+ Office.

In the framework of the seminar have been highlighted several models of learning and teaching based on research, implemented in the EU and Partner countries HEIs, for a resultative use of this practices in the countries with the established HERE teams.  

The event has offered a clear perspective on the national and institutional policies application in the frame of the research based teaching and learning. The event represented as well a good opportunity for international experience exchange on the research based learning.